Tuesday, July 5, 2011

How To Start In Increasing Turkeys For Profit - All About This Attractive 2nd Business Venture

Raising turkeys for profit has always been an attractive second business venture. Its seasonality, as turkeys are only on high demand in Thanksgiving holiday, has made it very hard to have as a primary business. However, as a supplementary one, that certain big payday upon Thanksgiving is all worthwhile for the effort and time that you'd put in it.

In preparation for raising turkeys to make money, you would need to have the turkey pen having a size of 10 feet by feet. Don't make the size of the actual turkey pen too big as turkeys can get baffled - they might not be able to remember where the feeders are. The required areas for the turkey pencil are a feeding area, a water area, and a litter region. However, you would have to cover up the litter area until they learn where the giving area is, so that they would not eat their own litter. Also keep your water at modest levels, as they are known to sometimes drown in their water feeders.

You also need to be aware of the actual blackhead disease, which is deadly to turkeys. Chickens have the blackhead organism, however show no negative signs. So if you are thinking of increasing turkeys for profit, make sure that they are not exposed to chickens, especially if you are raising hens of your own as well. The actual blackhead disease, once caught by turkeys, and if the actual turkeys are not properly medicated, leads to a sure dying for them.

A little bit of micromanagement is needed as well. A few turkeys might become very intense and could kill additional turkeys in your pen. Once you discover such aggressive behavior, it would be best for you to put these turkeys in their own crate. While turkeys are social animals, you surely would not want one to socialize with your other turkeys when they would be put in danger.

Raising turkeys for profit needs patience. Turkeys are ready to be sold once they are 6 to 8 months old. If you know what you are doing and have prepared everything nicely, those months might pass by quickly and you will be making huge profits right away.

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